Old Dreams EP
Get it on Bandcamp or whichever streaming platform you enjoy!
Always EP
Buy it from our Bandcamp page in digital form, on CD, or get a T-shirt with a download code included.
History of Pain album
The WP’s fourth album can be purchased on our Bandcamp page in download ($5) or CD ($10 + shipping) form.
History of Pain poster
A limited number of screen-printed posters by Montreal artist and designer Todd Stewart are available from the WP’s Bandcamp page. $10 gets you a poster plus a download of the History of Pain album.
World Provider T-Shirts! $25 (includes shipping)
Two designs available! Be sure to select your preferred size and colour.
World Provider Hard Feelings Album and Activity Book
Buy the album in digital form or Super Fun Activity Book 14-page booklet with games, riddles, jokes, cartoons and more on our Bandcamp page.